Monday, February 04, 2008

USB detection problem in Leopard

I wonder if anyone ever have same problem with their Leopard.


When I boot into my Leopard with the USB device connected to my notebook, it detects  and recognizes the USB device. As it would happen with any other OS, computer. However if I insert USB device when Leopard is already loaded and running, Leopard fails to recognize my USB device. Or if I eject previously detected USB device and re-insert the device, Leopard fails to detect the same USB device.  

There are multiple solutions:
  1. Restart the Leopard with the USB device connected to the PC/Notebook. I can't do it all the time! This is seriously annoying!!!
  2. Try emptying the Extensions cache folder to tell your Leopard to re-detect all its devices. Open the "Terminal" and type-in following command...
sudo rm -rf /System/Library/Extensions/Caches

NOTE: This may take up some time to  reload all the needed extensions. Probably in few seconds you shall see your USB device in the "Finder" window.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

thanks a lot...
works perfectly